The Magic of Menstruation Online Workshop

Magic of Menstruation:

Can't make the group workshop? The Magic of Menstruation is an on-demand option for you to complete with your child on your own timeframe.


Participants will learn:

  • Bodily changes associated with puberty
  • Stages of breast development and how to care for them
  • Anatomy and functions of the vulva and how to care for it
  • Healthy vs unhealthy cervical fluid
  • Fun facts about their eggs
  • Phases of their monthly cycle
  • Hormones, moods, how to manage stress
  • Menstrual product choices and how to use each one
  • Period “hacks” (what to do if you get your period outside of the home, swimming options, period tracking apps)
  • Normal vs abnormal teen periods
  • Importance of fueling your body for period health
  • Body image inspiration

Mom’s Only Section:

  • Sex self-reflection
  • Importance of Consent and how to teach this to your daughters
  • A word about “hook-up” culture
  • Porn, when to talk about this with your daughter
  • Masturbation, how to bring it up (pun intended, lol).

Payment Details

  • One payment only. 
  • Payment will be deducted from your Credit Card or Paypal account automatically and you'll be emailed a receipt from either Stripe or Paypal.

What Happens Next?

After you enter your payment details, you'll be taken to a thank you page with further instructions.

What People Are Saying:

“Last night my 9yo and I enjoyed the mom and me menstruation workshop at The Birth Boutique. She learned how amazing the female body is, the changes she will make, and the important topics that aren’t covered or talked about in our schools. My girl left empowered and kept talking about how awesome her body is. I highly encourage you to attend this with your daughter.”


Thank you so much for inviting us to this mom and me class. Scarlet and I left feeling thankful that we were a part of it. I love the way you operate in creating a framework to look at yourself and make choices from love versus fear. That was a huge Takeaway for both of us in nutrition and self-care and physical touch. You bring what sometimes feels like a shameful topic or overly sexualized topic to the table with clarity and dignity.”


I’m so thankful my daughter and I had this safe space to discuss all the womanly things coming her way. Carrie was fantastic, made everyone comfortable and we all had an enjoyable time learning together. Thank you, Carrie!!

Allison E.

$47.00 USD