And while it’s easy to think you need to work your abs even harder, the truth is, you need a
to fix a midsection problem.
The abs are just one part of your core.
You also MUST look below at your pelvic floor, and look above at your diaphragm, and look behind you at your back muscles.
Only then will everything finally
fall into place and you will begin to see and (more importantly)
FEEL the results.
Give me 6 weeks, and I will not only give you a step by step guide for strengthening your WHOLE core right now, but I’ll teach you everything you need to know to stay strong forever.
My program is rooted in the RESEARCH and I've tested this program on hundreds of IN PERSON clients in a clinical setting and hundreds more in my home studio before tweaking it to perfection and releasing it to an online community.
It takes more than a weekend-long certification and some fancy marketing to design a program that actually works on REAL PEOPLE.

💪 A stronger core. Period.
💪 Less back pain
💪 A pelvic floor that works with you not against you
💪 The steps to align your body so your muscles work even when you’re not exercising
💪 Knowledge about the single most important exercise you will ever learn (spoiler: The Core Breath) that can be used as a mental checklist to make sure the exercises you are doing moving forward are helping and not hurting
💪 The meaning behind the moves to keep your progress going
💪 Confidence that your body DOES know how to heal itself (it just needed a little nudge)
Plus...I'm giving you four more amazing bonuses!

How to Measure Your Abdominal Separation
{Value $47}
I dare you to google this and get one consistent answer. I’ll save you the headache. This step-by-step video will show you how to test yourself accurately. It makes for a great party trick at your next Girl's Night Out! (Trust me, some of your friends have this too!)

{Value $47.00}
My exercises are great, but if you aren’t sitting/standing/moving around the world with proper alignment, you will not reach your full potential. Use this checklist to be sure you’re in line!

Four Essential Pelvic Floor Exercises
{Value $47}
Kegels alone are failing millions of women all over the world. Take it up a notch with these 4 basic but powerful moves.

Five Core Restore Meditations
{Value $27}
It’s a fact that excess stress hormone (cortisol) can lead to stored belly fat. Um, no thanks! Keep your stress in check with these beautiful video guided meditations specific to healing your core.
Listen to what other Core Restore students are saying

Wish I Would of Taken Your Other Classes
"I wished every moment of my diastasis class that I had known about you for Prenatal and Postnatal Pilates!!! You gave me so much more information and knowledge than I could have imagined and the tools to keep progress going! I learned about my health, protecting my 'house', and strengthened my whole body in addition to improving my diastasis."
-Shelly, DRA/Core Restore Student

Reduced Abdominal Separation
“Carrie’s class was so helpful and helped to reduce my DRA from 6.5 cm and deep to 4 cm and shallow. Thanks to her I can enjoy better body mechanics. As an MD, I was not aware of exercises to do, but I will recommend it to friends and patients.”
-Arachna, MD, DRA/Core Restore Student

Convenient, Realistic & Achievable
"The DRA online course is amazing. It was simple, convenient, realistic and achievable. It helped educate me and change my behaviors to improve my condition when others couldn’t identify the issue. I had been through physical therapy, seen a personal trainer that specializes in women’s health and a Napropath and none helped in the way this course had. I’m so grateful! Thank you."
-Blaire,DRA/Core Restore Student

Don't Wait to Fix Your Diastasis
“Don’t wait to take this class! I waited too long to fix my diastasis (thinking I’ll get around to it) and than I got pregnant with baby number two. I went into that pregnancy with a weak core. I decided to take the DRA program when I was 20 weeks pregnant and so happy that I did. Although, I knew I wasn’t going to see my diastasis close going into my third trimester I did make a little improvement. The knowledge I gained, the exercises that we did, and learning to incorporate “nutritious movements” into my day allowed me to start strengthening my core. And postpartum I have a bag of tools and exercises to heal my body properly. I recommend Carrie’s program to all my students now. Every women, pregnant or not, should learn these important techniques to practice healthy exercise and movement.”
- Rachel Hudson, Childbirth Educator,DRA/Core Restore Student

Provided Value Throughout Program
"I just want to tell you that I truly value the time and effort you've spent in developing and delivering the class, and the information you've shared. I absolutely feel it's made a huge difference for me (seriously, I can really and truly feel that my stomach is getting better). I probably would have never done anything about it otherwise (just thinking it was something I'd have to live with), and it's really given me hope that I'll be able to get a tiny shred of my former physique back. For that, I can't thank you enough. You're an amazing lady Carrie! :)"
-Valerie, DRA/Core Restore Student

Don't Feel Broken Anymore
"I cannot express how grateful I am for you & your class! I went into it knowing I had a legit physical situation going on that was only going to cause more issues down the line if I didn't take care of it (I had horrible images of me at 70...) Not only did I come away SO knowledgeable of what exactly is happening with my body, but I had SO many tools to make it better! I am aware of my body in a way I didn't know I needed to be! Sex is better….and I've been able to work out in the gym like a normal person lately. My core has come a looong way and just this past week I started working on a series of core movements I NEVER could have done several or even just a few months ago. I just don't feel broken all the time anymore! All from a little DRA class and you're incredible encouragement to do something about it! So thank you ;-) More women need someone like you with your big smile telling them they're not broken!"
- Mary,DRA/Core Restore Student

I don’t believe in before and after pictures.
They tell a partial story, a half truth.
They celebrate women who are smaller and more toned, which is dangerous to us all. They attach worth to waistlines that are whittled down.
We are cyclical beings.
Your belly will look different in the week leading up to your period than it will around ovulation. Your flat belly in the morning might puff out after a mid-day inflammatory meal. Lighting, angles, and clothing all make our bellies look different on a minute by minute basis.
If your goal is a flatter belly and a loss of inches around the middle, that’s my goal for you too.
And I’ll help you get there, but we’re taking the long way.
No cutting corners to get an “ideal” body shape without taking time to build in the basic foundation to make those changes last.
People send me their transformations all the time and it’s remarkable. I will quietly celebrate with them, but those pictures will never make it onto my website.
I’m on a different mission.
To make you strong.
To help your core feel alive again.
To create a body you want to live in.
And that’s an inside job no camera can capture!
Carrie Koziol's
6-Week Core Restore Program
01 6 Weeks of full-length workout videos - 7-20 minutes each - Value $297
Some women stream me onto their televisions and workout with their kids. Some pull me up on their phone apps. However you choose to view these workouts, the videos will be invaluable to your progress because I talk you through the proper breathing and sequences with gentle reminders for your form. I promise I’ll feel less like a fitness instructor and more like a long lost friend by the time we’re done :)
02 6 Educational Videos helping you reconnect with your body - Value $297
Even though I’m forever a student of the material, I’m a teacher at heart and my superpower is teaching you complex information in an easy-to-understand way. Clients often say that these educational videos were just as important as the exercise videos. One client told me: “I learned more in an hour and a half than I did in 12 sessions of PT” but I’ll let you be the judge of that.
03 6 Printable Core Restore Workout Checklists - Value $47
I’m a visual learner and I love to see my “week at a glance.” These checklists serve double duty to allow you to check off each session and keep yourself on track while offering a written description of each exercise to jog your memory!
04 6 Printable Core Restore Handouts - Value $47
Almost everyone leaves a session saying “I have to tell my mom about this” or “my best friend was just telling me she had this issue” or “I’m telling all the ladies at bookclub what I learned today.” But then you get in front of your audience and think…..what did I want to share?! In these handouts, I summarize all the pearls of wisdom I share each week so you have a diary of AHA moments and can be the ambassador for women’s health in your sphere of influence. Let’s help each other out!
05 5 Core Restore Meditations - Value $27
It is almost impossible to learn new information or heal your body if you are stuck in the “fight or flight” nervous system. I took a deep dive into learning the neuroscience behind mindfulness and meditation for women’s health issues in particular before developing these core-specific healing meditations and recording them against the backdrop of the most beautiful video scenery that’s sure to have you melting into the “rest and digest” nervous system in no time!
06 🌟 BRAND NEW 🌟 Extended Core Restore Workouts - 20-30 minutes each - Value $297
You spoke, I listened. You asked me to create a program that would help you take what you learned in the Core Restore program and apply it to more advanced exercises like upper and lower body strengthening as well as light cardio. Women love my cues for pelvic floor and deep abdominal activation and wanted to be SAFELY led through more intense workouts without worrying about un-doing their hard work. Instead of offering it as a stand alone upgrade, I am including it here FOR FREE (still can’t believe it myself but you deserve it!)
07 Private Community within the Program. - Value PRICELESS
Listen, we weren’t meant to mother alone but we shouldn’t have to exercise alone either! This is the next best thing. Right inside each module is a space to see other women’s questions and ask your own. Want to know who answers your questions? YOURS TRULY!!! It’s my name on the program and it’s important to me that you get a response directly from me every.single.time.
08 Lifetime Access to the Core Restore Program - Value PRICELESS
I’ve joined programs before that disappear once you complete them. Or only give you access for a set amount of time before the program expires. Not on my watch. You’ve spent the money, you’ve invested the time, and I want you to be able to go back to the material as many times as you need for as long as you need. You will have access to Core Restore for the life of the program, including any new updates, workouts, or educational topics.

Thousands of women have seen success in my Core Restore program and I hope you do the same!
7-Day Money-Back Guarantee
But I also know we women can quickly change our minds or our focus. If you're not ready to commit to strengthening your core, simply send me an email within 7 days from purchase for a complete refund.
Frequently Asked Questions
I’ve tried physical therapy and/or other programs without success. Will this be any different?
What if I don’t have abdominal separation but I do have core weakness or pelvic floor issues? Is this still the best course?
I’m already extremely fit. Will this program be too easy for me?
I’m super busy and don’t have much time to exercise.
How do I know if I need this program?
I loathe exercise. Can you help?
How do I know if I should sign up for this course or Postnatal Pilates?
I gave birth a long time ago. Can this program still help?
I was told I need surgery. Is there any sense to taking this program?
I’ve already had an abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) or hernia repair. Can I still take the program?
What separates this program from other core programs out there?
What if I need more personal attention or have specific questions on my form?
What equipment do I need?
What if I have general questions along the way?
Check out a few google reviews left by women like you!

Give me 6-Weeks and I’ll give you back your confidence.
💪 It’s TIME to build the body you deserve to live in.
💪 It’s TIME to put yourself first.
💪 It’s TIME to stop avoiding gut-busting laughter.
💪 It’s TIME to stop hurting from back pain.
💪 It’s TIME to stop the embarrassing leakage.
💪 It’s TIME to reclaim the strength you need to carry on.
Let’s do it together,
one step at a time!

Carrie Koziol's
6-Week Core Restore Program
01 6 Weeks of full-length workout videos - 7-20 minutes each - Value $297
Some women stream me onto their televisions and workout with their kids. Some pull me up on their phone apps. However you choose to view these workouts, the videos will be invaluable to your progress because I talk you through the proper breathing and sequences with gentle reminders for your form. I promise I’ll feel less like a fitness instructor and more like a long lost friend by the time we’re done :)
02 6 Educational Videos helping you reconnect with your body - Value $297
Even though I’m forever a student of the material, I’m a teacher at heart and my superpower is teaching you complex information in an easy-to-understand way. Clients often say that these educational videos were just as important as the exercise videos. One client told me: “I learned more in an hour and a half than I did in 12 sessions of PT” but I’ll let you be the judge of that.
03 6 Printable Core Restore Workout Checklists - Value $47
I’m a visual learner and I love to see my “week at a glance.” These checklists serve double duty to allow you to check off each session and keep yourself on track while offering a written description of each exercise to jog your memory!
04 6 Printable Core Restore Handouts - Value $47
Almost everyone leaves a session saying “I have to tell my mom about this” or “my best friend was just telling me she had this issue” or “I’m telling all the ladies at bookclub what I learned today.” But then you get in front of your audience and think…..what did I want to share?! In these handouts, I summarize all the pearls of wisdom I share each week so you have a diary of AHA moments and can be the ambassador for women’s health in your sphere of influence. Let’s help each other out!
05 5 Core Restore Meditations - Value $27
It is almost impossible to learn new information or heal your body if you are stuck in the “fight or flight” nervous system. I took a deep dive into learning the neuroscience behind mindfulness and meditation for women’s health issues in particular before developing these core-specific healing meditations and recording them against the backdrop of the most beautiful video scenery that’s sure to have you melting into the “rest and digest” nervous system in no time!
06 🌟 BRAND NEW 🌟 Extended Core Restore Workouts - 20-30 minutes each - Value $297
You spoke, I listened. You asked me to create a program that would help you take what you learned in the Core Restore program and apply it to more advanced exercises like upper and lower body strengthening as well as light cardio. Women love my cues for pelvic floor and deep abdominal activation and wanted to be SAFELY led through more intense workouts without worrying about un-doing their hard work. Instead of offering it as a stand alone upgrade, I am including it here FOR FREE (still can’t believe it myself but you deserve it!)
07 Private Community within the Program. - Value PRICELESS
Listen, we weren’t meant to mother alone but we shouldn’t have to exercise alone either! This is the next best thing. Right inside each module is a space to see other women’s questions and ask your own. Want to know who answers your questions? YOURS TRULY!!! It’s my name on the program and it’s important to me that you get a response directly from me every.single.time.
08 Lifetime Access to the Core Restore Program - Value PRICELESS
I’ve joined programs before that disappear once you complete them. Or only give you access for a set amount of time before the program expires. Not on my watch. You’ve spent the money, you’ve invested the time, and I want you to be able to go back to the material as many times as you need for as long as you need. You will have access to Core Restore for the life of the program, including any new updates, workouts, or educational topics.