I don’t mean that in a weird way. I just mean that lady parts have been my job and passion for the last two decades. Along with helping you build a strong body that you can love and feel confident in.

I have seen and heard just about everything when it comes to the female body. And I’ve become kind of obsessed. 

But before I became obsessed with helping you build strong lady parts, I spent a lot of time navigating my own. Just like you.

I was that 12 year old walking back to my classroom after the school-sponsored puberty talk with a bag of feminine products I somehow knew instinctively to hide from the boys. Except I couldn’t figure out why were hiding it and why I was supposed to feel so shameful about my body.

I was that young mom, pregnant for the first time, stressing about whether my exercises were harming my baby and I constantly Googled things like “how to handle the pain of childbirth while also not destroying my vagina.”

"You mean that boot camp exercise class may have contributed to this issue?"

I’ve been a postpartum mom (3 times!) quivering at the thought of having my first bowel movement (let alone resuming sex), still Googling what was “normal” and mourning the loss of my old body.

And I’ve also been a Women’s Health Physical Therapist on the receiving end of questions like “Why doesn’t anyone tell us this about our bodies?” or “I had no idea this could even happen?” And “You mean that boot camp may have contributed to this issue?”

And now, I’m a middle-aged woman staring perimenopause square in the face, trying not to freak out, preparing myself to emerge on the other side vibrant and thriving.


I don’t take myself as seriously as all my credentials but in case you need them, here you go. 

I have a Master of Science in Physical Therapy and worked as a Women’s Health Physical Therapist for over 10 years.  I am also Pilates instructor and became a Prenatal and Postnatal Pilates Specialist through the Center for Women’s Fitness. I am a Diastasis Rectus Abdominus (a fancy term for an abnormal separation of your 6 pack muscles) specialist, and more importantly, used my program to heal my own DRA.

As a middle-aged woman myself, I have a newfound fascination with Perimenopause/ Menopause and earned a certificate in Menopause education, as well as a 3rd Age Woman Certification in Peri to Postmenopause Wellness Coaching.

My most important job is being a mother to my three kids whom I not only love but actually really like too! They are the inspiration behind my desire to bring comprehensive puberty education to the table, the kind that extends beyond the nuts and bolts of most traditional curriculums.

About My Values & Beliefs:

I believe...

In safe and effective exercise.

From pregnancy to perimenopause, your body has unique needs, limitations, and opportunities. I use my expert training to develop exercise programs for women at every age and every stage.

That knowledge is power.

Exercise is great, but I strongly believe that we need to know the WHY behind the movement in order to make lasting change. In every class I teach and every speech I deliver, I strive to educate women on the reasons behind why I teach what I do.

You are strong!

Your body is capable of amazing things, sometimes you just need a roadmap and a guide.  It would be an honor and a privilege to guide you on your journey to a stronger YOU!

Contact Carrie


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