"It was great to have a series of exercises to do safely that will help with the pregnancy and delivery, but also the content and discussions I found very helpful, especially being a first time mom. This is a great concept with the combination of exercise and information and I thought it was terrific. Thank you for all the help over the past couple of weeks. I am so glad I attended this series and hope to come again after the baby."
"Your class allowed me to streamline my approach and perspective to the entire motherhood process and I was able to tune out all of the E True Hollywood horror stories fellow moms like to tell expecting mothers. All of the education and tips you armed us with helped me in having a stress-free and complication-free delivery. Thank you!!! Thank you again for such a great experience. I will recommend your class to any expecting mommy."
I took your Prenatal Pilates class a couple months ago, and I just want to say thank you! As a first-time mom, I learned so much from that class that I think made my pregnancy 100 times smoother than it could have been. I gave birth to my twins on 7/18, and I feel great. The girls are also doing great, too. I ended up having to get a C-section because the stinkers were both breech, but even with that being said, my recovery is going smoothly. From the sexy slide, exercises, and to the tips on belly binders, all have helped me immensely!
"I found this class to be extremely insightful, fun and funny and a tremendous resource for all the questions that come up during pregnancy. I found it to be a really comfortable atmosphere in terms of feeling OK to ask "those" questions. I will say as helpful as it was, Carrie's knowledge, humor, and demeanor is what made the class what it was. I would highly recommend the class to ALL soon-to-be mothers, even if it's their 4th time around. It is that profound. Thanks for even making this class available. AWESOME!"
"Thank you so much for everything, Carrie. You and your wow (what I call words of wisdom) crossed my mind countless times through labor, nesting at hospital waiting for baby to come home, upon returning to ER, and especially now. You have such a gift and I believe you are truly called to do what you do and help countless women."
"I loved this class. I thought it was very thorough and informative. I initially wasn't sure how beneficial it would be before I started since this is my second pregnancy but I learned a ton of new and useful things that I know I will use this pregnancy/labor and delivery. Carrie is so knowledgeable and helpful-THANK YOU!"
"...I have to say without Carrie and the great moves I learned I think it (labor) would have been difficult. But honestly it was a great experience!......I really want you to know that I credit Carrie and her teachings to my experience. So special shout out to Carrie and thank you so much for everything you taught me....."
"I thoroughly enjoyed this class (Prenatal Pilates). Thank you, Carrie! Your discussion time at the beginning was nearly better than taking the baby classes! Much more personally informative even though this is baby #2 and I just finished nursing school."
"Second pregnancy and second time taking class and still learned new information. The class gives moms "me" time and support."
“Labor went great for us! I am amazed at how fast my body has rebounded and I think that your class has helped.”
"I wanted to let you know that my daughter was born last night at 9:41pm. I could not believe how quickly labor went! I came in at 2 1/2 cm around 5:30pm. I tried to get epidural at 8cm around 9:20 thinking it would still be an hour or so. By the time the anesthesiologist started getting it set up I was getting the urge to push. I started pushing and it only took 3 contractions and she was out! .... the breathing techniques were what got me through the contractions. I was amazed that I was able to stay in control. I can't thank you enough for everything we learned in Prenatal Pilates!!!"
"I am very glad I took this class. I wish it was longer than 6 weeks! I really liked the balance between information and exercise. Thank you for making me feel more prepared, confident, and in control heading into my delivery day experience!"
Our baby boy was born in our car as we were pulling into the hospital parking lot. Needless to say, I had a very fast labor- my husband was saying "slow down!" and I was saying "calm down!" as the baby was born onto the seat. I picked him up and held him in my arms, gushing about our baby, as my husband parked in front of the ER and ran in and was immediately followed back out by 20 medical professionals, who escorted us into labor and delivery for the usual follow ups. The baby and I are both doing well (though my husband is still recovery)! My post-partum recovery so far has been much better this time than the first, and I attribute it to the fast labor and your prenatal class for prepping my core/pelvic floor. My midwife sent me home with a binder (at your suggestion), which has been very helpful and surprisingly comfortable. Thanks so much for everything!

"I've been doing really well after this pregnancy--probably the best I've ever been post-partum. I think a lot of it has to do with how in shape I was this time around... I think that the strategies that you talked about regarding labor really helped me. I didn't hardly tear this time, and feel that I pushed correctly for the first time. And I was bouncing around feeling great only days after. I think it really makes a difference to understand your body and how it works."
"Every new mom should know about Carrie’s class! After having my baby, I tried jogging and ended up frustrated and in pain. After completing Carrie’s postnatal class, I feel stronger and more confident to start exercising now that my core is awake! Carrie was personal and professional and did an excellent job of tailoring her program to help me reach my goals."
"I just wanted to let you know how amazing I think this class is..the post natal! I will be recommending it to everyone! I didn't realize how weak my muscles were...Thank you for doing this, I am already losing more weight just from the couple of times I have had time to work on the exercises! Plus now I am feeling stronger which is motivating me to want to work out!"
"I am so glad I happened to hear about your class while in the waiting room at my doctor. I had been looking for a class like it with no luck and loved it even more than I expected. I found your advice very interesting and even if it is not all applicable to me specifically, I loved how open, honest, and non-judgmental you were about every topic. You are a great instructor!"
"Thank you for bringing your knowledge and class out here to us! I'm so grateful that we were able to run the class (Postnatal Pilates). I feel so much better after just six weeks and I really feel like I can keep the momentum going. Your teaching style and way of explaining not only how to do each exercise, but the why, was so awesome. I am so much more aware of my form and confident I can avoid future injury. Thank you!!! I will definitely be spreading the word about your awesome class."
"Thank you for bringing your knowledge and class out here to us! I'm so grateful that we were able to run the class (Postnatal Pilates). I feel so much better after just six weeks and I really feel like I can keep the momentum going. Your teaching style and way of explaining not only how to do each exercise, but the why, was so awesome. I am so much more aware of my form and confident I can avoid future injury. Thank you!!! I will definitely be spreading the word about your awesome class."
"Every postnatal woman should take this class! More important class than the prenatal class! You will start feeling more "normal" within 2-3 weeks of the postnatal classes.
Katie, RN (Labor and Delivery), IBCLC (Lactation Consultant), CCE (Certified Childbirth Educator)
"Carrie is an inspirational and knowledgeable instructor. She has a thorough knowledge of the recovery needs of a postnatal body, and teaches women how to protect, heal, and recover their bodies after childbirth. The structure of the class was lovely; I really enjoyed the discussion/education time before doing the Pilates. Carrie puts such an effort into helping women transition into motherhood with their whole lives, not just their physical recovery. This is a class (Postnatal Pilates) EVERY woman should take after giving birth and I'm so glad I found it."
"Extremely eye opening. So much more awareness around pelvic floor issues. Can't thank you enough. You are amazing and I will share the Carrie Koziol love to my friends and get them to come because it is that important."
Archana, MD
"Carrie's class was so helpful and helped to reduce my DRA from 6.5 cm and deep to 4 cm and shallow. Thanks to her I can enjoy better body mechanics. As an MD, I was not aware of exercises to do, but I will recommend it to friends and patients.
"I cannot express how grateful I am for you & your class! I went into it knowing I had a legit physical situation going on that was only going to cause more issues down the line if I didn't take care of it (I had horrible images of me at 70...) Not only did I come away SO knowledgeable of what exactly is happening with my body, but I had SO many tools to make it better! I am aware of my body in a way I didn't know I needed to be! Sex is better….and I've been able to work out in the gym like a normal person lately. My core has come a looong way and just this past week I started working on a series of core movements I NEVER could have done several or even just a few months ago. I just don't feel broken all the time anymore! All from a little DRA class and you're incredible encouragement to do something about it! So thank you ;-) More women need someone like you with your big smile telling them they're not broken!"
Rachel Hudson (Childbirth Educator & Mama)
“Don’t wait to take this class! I waited too long to fix my diastasis (thinking I’ll get around to it) and than I got pregnant with baby number two. I went into that pregnancy with a weak core. I decided to take the DRA program when I was 20 weeks pregnant and so happy that I did. Although, I knew I wasn’t going to see my diastasis close going into my third trimester I did make a little improvement. The knowledge I gained, the exercises that we did, and learning to incorporate “nutritious movements” into my day allowed me to start strengthening my core. And postpartum I have a bag of tools and exercises to heal my body properly. I recommend Carrie’s program to all my students now. Every women, pregnant or not, should learn these important techniques to practice healthy exercise and movement.”
"The DRA online course is amazing. It was simple, convenient, realistic and achievable. It helped educate me and change my behaviors to improve my condition when others couldn’t identify the issue. I had been through physical therapy, seen a personal trainer that specializes in women’s health and a Napropath and none helped in the way this course had. I’m so grateful! Thank you."
"I wished every moment of my diastasis class that I had known about you for Prenatal and Postnatal Pilates!!! You gave me so much more information and knowledge than I could have imagined and the tools to keep progress going! I learned about my health, protecting my 'house', and strengthened my whole body in addition to improving my diastasis."
"I just want to tell you that I truly value the time and effort you've spent in developing and delivering the class, and the information you've shared. I absolutely feel it's made a huge difference for me (seriously, I can really and truly feel that my stomach is getting better). I probably would have never done anything about it otherwise (just thinking it was something I'd have to live with), and it's really given me hope that I'll be able to get a tiny shred of my former physique back. For that, I can't thank you enough. You're an amazing lady Carrie! :)"
"I first heard of DRA when Carrie came to speak at Cradle Talk in Naperville. I have always had trouble with my mid-section and wondered why traditional ab workouts never provided results. Then I got pregnant and my stomach got stretched to the max. Carrie tested me at Cradle Talk and I definitely had DRA. I have to admit that I was skeptical that exercises could help bring my abs back together, especially when most doctors say the only cure is surgery. However, after week 1 of just doing core breath exercises, I could already see and feel results! I couldn’t believe how quickly these simple exercises were changing my mid-section. The exercises have truly helped me shrink my belly and fit back into my pre-pregnancy jeans just in time for the cold weather! The online class option was a great for me. It allowed me to start the class immediately vs. having to wait for a class in Naperville or drive 30 minutes to another location. It is a great option if you are self-motivated and have limited or no time for the classroom setting."
"I was a little nervous about doing sessions out of someone's home. But Carrie's studio space was warm and inviting and completely separate from the rest of her house so I really felt comfortable and relaxed. There was even a full (and clean) bathroom in the space which was a relief for my pregnant bladder!"
"I wasn't comfortable addressing my specific issues in a group environment and loved the individual attention I received from private sessions with Carrie."
"I have struggled for the past 5 years with a weak pelvic floor. I have been wearing panty liners because of leakage when coughing, sneezing, lifting, exercising, or anything that involves impact. After 6 private sessions with Carrie, I now have a stronger pelvic floor. I am no longer wearing panty liners on a daily basis. I have learned how to engage my muscles to go for longer periods of time without having to run to the bathroom. I am very amazed with the improvement I have seen in just 6 weeks of following Carrie's exercises. As a bonus, the exercises also engage many other areas of the body. I am very grateful for the knowledge I have gained about my body and how I can keep my pelvic floor strong."
"I just wanted to shoot a quick email and say thank you for everything in our sessions! I learned so much, and I’m hoping to continue to improve as time goes on. I do so much better when someone explains why certain exercises are important and the body mechanics behind the workouts, and your sessions absolutely did that. It’s so much more motivating when I actually understand the “why.” Thank you again!"
"None of the group classes worked with my schedule, so I opted for private DRA sessions with Carrie in my home. It was awesome! I have no doubt that Carrie is an AMAZING instructor in any type of class, but I feel that I really benefited from the one-on-one attention each week. As a new mom with a hectic schedule, it was so convenient to have her come to my house. She answered all of my many questions and really helped to reassure me throughout the program. Before starting the sessions, I was so confused about which exercises were safe for my abdominal muscles, and I didn't want to make my separation worse. I wanted to start exercising more but didn't know where to start! Carrie really increased my knowledge about healthy/safe movements and made me much more confident in knowing what exercises to choose. I significantly improved my separation and feel much stronger. I see her guidance as a foundation for a healthy lifestyle approach, encompassing not only exercise, but everyday movements, posture, nutrition, etc. Thank you, Carrie!"
“Thank you so much for inviting us to this mom and me class. Scarlet and I left feeling thankful that we were a part of it. I love the way you operate in creating a framework to look at yourself and make choices from love versus fear. That was a huge Takeaway for both of us in nutrition and self-care and physical touch. You bring what sometimes feels like a shameful topic or overly sexualized topic to the table with clarity and dignity.”
“Last night my 9yo and I enjoyed the mom and me menstruation workshop at The Birth Boutique. She learned how amazing the female body is, the changes she will make, and the important topics that aren’t covered or talked about in our schools. My girl left empowered and kept talking about how awesome her body is. I highly encourage you to attend this with your daughter.”
“You were amazing yesterday! Truly, your ability to relate with the moms and girls and make everyone feel so comfortable was so fun to watch and listen in on. Thanks so much for bringing this class to our community. We’re excited for the next one."
“Thank you so much for a fantastic evening with the girls. You did such a fabulous job on everything! All of the special was all so perfect. Thank you!”
"Thank you so much for such a fantastic workshop. {My daughter} and I really enjoyed it. I think the virtual format was really great for this topic. It was fun to be on mute listening but also free to sort of side chat or laugh about what was going on. I think {my daughter} was much more relaxed this way than she would have been in person. You are a great speaker, and I loved the way you shared information and made it fun and engaging. Thank you so much!"
“For all of my Mom Friends with Girls!!!! This Is IT!!!! Carrie Kolar Koziol, at Pilates By Carrie did the most wonderful, caring and informative job talking, and teaching one of my daughters about the changes that her body will go through as she ages. Let's admit it, these topics are uncomfortable, weird, awkward. I wish I would have been able to attend something like this when I was young.
Carrie made an awkward topic and situation, comfortable. She treated the girls like young adults, open conversation, no judgment, no strict ideas. Easy, gentle conversation and invitations for questions. I LOVED every part about the class. The time learning with my daughter together, and the time that Carrie gave to the girls separately. I also got to have separate Mom Time to receive tips on how to start the conversation with my girls.
There are not enough fantastic or eloquent words I could use to describe this class. I will be taking my remaining 3 girls, (yes, I will take each one on their own) for this class. It opened so many doors for more questions, conversations, and bonding opportunities with my daughter. The class gave so much information, some things that I wasn't even aware of at my age.
Let's encourage our girls to share, ask questions and empower them to talk about the difficult topics.
Thank you Carrie Kolar Koziol for creating this class!!!”
“Thank you so much for your amazing class! As a doula and natural childbirth educator, I have already shared much more information with {my daughter} than I received as a young lady. However, you provided a wealth of additional information on Sunday!
Thank you for putting together such a thorough presentation! It is really great that you not only reinforced what I have already shared with {my daughter}, but you also covered topics I would not have thought to touch upon.
You were age-appropriate, respectful, positive, and empowering. You normalized the topics and honored each person's choice and uniqueness. You acknowledged things like the fact that not everyone tolerates the same diet and that your choices can affect your health and well-being in various areas of life. You gave alternative options to things in a way that supports holistic living. I appreciate that so much! Having all the pictures, models, products, facts, and videos right on hand took all the conversations moms and daughters need to have and put them all together in one enjoyable afternoon!
The more {my daughter} hears about women's health, healthy and holistic living, etc, the more ingrained I hope it becomes. I feel confident that {my daughter} and I will have a better relationship for the future, and that even if she doesn't feel comfortable talking to me about everything as she navigates life (I know she will need her independence and won't always come to me for every single thing) at least I know that together we connected with a wealth of information that adds to her knowledge and life long habits. She will likely be the source of information for her friends, like I am and always was for my friends!
The difference is I sought out the information on my own as a young woman, but I'd like to be there for my daughter as one of her go-to people for these topics. Thank you for offering this class for moms and their daughters!”
Nicki Worden, Birth Doula
“I took Carrie’s Prenatal Pilates class when I was pregnant with my 4th child. These classes are so much more than an exercise class. The things Carrie teaches are the things nobody teaches you about. I recommend this class to all of my doula clients.”
Dr. Julie Jensen, MD, OBGYN
“We include information about Carrie’s classes in our Prenatal folders that are handed out to all of our patients. We have confidence that she is taking care of our patients and love the idea that women can now get the same benefits in an online program they can complete from home.”
Kendra Erven, PT, DPT, WCS, BCB-PMD
“Carrie’s programs are a great bridge for women after they’ve been discharged from PT but aren’t quite ready for community-based exercise programs. It’s also a nice alternative for women with limited insurance coverage for PT services. Her in depth understanding of anatomy and ability to identify clients that need to be referred to PT make her an invaluable resource to our community. Now that her programs can be completed online, I’m sure many more women will be able to participate.”
Dr. John Carroll, MD, OBGYN
“Many of my patients have taken one of Carrie’s programs and have positive things to say about their experience. If women are looking for a prenatal or postpartum exercise instruction, we would recommend her classes. They are even conveniently offered online now too.”
Dr. Steven Daube, DO, OBGYN
“My office has been referring patients to Carrie’s programs for over 5 years. With her background as a Women’s Health Physical Therapist, I have confidence that she is taking good care of the women we send, and they all return with rave reviews. I’m thrilled that she is making her programs more accessible by offering them online."
Isabelle, CNM
“Carrie’s Prenatal Pilates class is an absolute must for women who are pregnant. Her program is designed to help you not only strengthen your core muscles and pelvic floor but also to help you transition into motherhood. Her knowledge in women’s health and her passion is refreshing and inspiring. As a healthcare provider, I highly recommend her courses.”
"Even though I am a fitness professional myself and have taken various trainings and certifications, I have learned so much from Carrie’s program. I feel more confident on how to maintain my “house” and how to design safe and effective programs for my own clients. Her program was very easy to understand and it definitely connected all of the dots from what I had previously been taught on abdominal and core training. Her approach is so refreshing and encouraging and I appreciated her honesty. This program had a nice progression and I liked the flow of the course. I also liked how Carrie checked in with us each week to give us a blueprint and a schedule each week. Overall, this course was very well designed and Carrie has been an inspiration to me and to my fitness and wellness business. Her passion and her dedication to women’s health is apparent in everything that she does."