The Gift of Touch

Using the gift of “touch” in my practice and life. First and foremost, I am a mama to three incredible boys, a wife, a sister and a friend. I have been lucky enough to find my gifts early on and share them with others.

I am the owner/creator and sole practitioner at the Heart of Touch Massage & Birth Support. Early on in my life, I realized that I was NOT cut out for the corporate world. I became a LMT 23 years ago & birth doula 14 years ago. BEST life choices ever!
Helping people, especially women is so rewarding and soul crushing all at the same time. I hear stories from both massage & doula clients that are tragic and triumphant daily.

I am their safe space. Their vault.

When I was having my babies almost 16 years ago, I feel in love with the whole process of (maybe for the first time ever) REALLY caring for myself. I had excellent midwifery care, received regular bodywork, and listened to my own heart. The care was intimate and intentional. I will never forget how I was made to feel in those birthing years. After having my kiddos, I quickly realized how much we are lacking in support… I no longer had monthly or weekly appointments, someone to listen to me navigate this new mom world, or my new mom body. It was devastating… In fact, it still is.

I am here to shift that.

Touch means a million things. You can be deeply touched physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. In my work, it is crucial to me to incorporate healthy touch, active listening and connecting on a “soul-u-lar” level. My intention is to give each woman my undivided attention, an open heart without judgement, to REALLY listen to what you are saying and not saying, and to have you feel like you are my ONLY client. Giving women the time and space to express themselves, reconnect with themselves, and learn something new about themselves is necessary. The power of touch (the million ways to touch someone) is life changing for the better. The power of touch is often forgotten about.

There are times that we are so “touched out” that the thought of loved ones touching us is cringe worthy. I get it, I’ve been there, hell some days I am there! When I share this space with women, being able to receive touch with ZERO expectations, that is where the healing magic is! To be able to give the gift of touch and be able to find yourself again is where it is at.

I help women find their way back to their own self.

Establishing TRUST is a must. It is such a gift that women feel comfortable enough to share their stories, their bodies and their babies with me. I am extremely aware of this process and I do not take this for granted. I’d also like to point out, that I am in thick of it with you too. I don’t have all the answers and I will never pretend to. We are constantly changing, shifting, moving and grooving… sometimes we are frozen. Sometimes we can’t think straight or see the light at the end of the tunnel. Being a solo practitioner, owning my own business can totally fucking suck. The overwhelm that comes along with motherhood/wifing/dating/friendshiping/businessing, don’t forget self care and what ever else is the hundredth hat we must wear… is a lot!

Sometimes too much.

I am here to remind you (and myself) that it's ok

It’s ok to put it down.
It’s ok to feel like it’s too much.
It’s ok to not have it all figured out.
It’s ok that this season of life is hard as fuck!
It’s ok to not be ok.
It’s ok to be just ok.
It’s ok to all of it and none of it.

What I do know for a fact, is that we are all connected. We are all in the same waters but with different boats. When I commit my time to you, I mean it. To me, there is no greater joy than true, genuine connection. Being able to ask someone, “How are you?” And “How are your REALLY, like on the inside?” Are two different things. Giving you the opportunity to check in with yourself at these moments is what makes the difference in a good session and an amazing experience.

Connecting with people is my life’s work.

Touching people is what I do and who I am. Whether it be on the massage table, in birth, a workshop, a podcast, a rotten joke, a safe space, or in friendship… It’s nothing but love!

Karry Wolf Anderson is a Mama of 3 incredible souls, wife, friend, licensed massage therapist, doula, educator, and connection maker. She is the proud owner and sole creator of The Heart of Touch.  You can learn more about her services here:


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