The Gift of Scar Massage

Happy Healing Post Surgery

Scar Tissue and C-Sections

Hi! My name is Krysia Tscherewik and I have the most wonderful job in the world. I have had the honor to work with thousands of women for the last seventeen years. My job? I am an abdominal therapist. I know it sounds weird at first but when I tell you what it can do for you, you will be signing up.

Abdominal therapy helps with reproductive and digestive issues, such as PCOS, Fibroids, Irregular periods, Period pain, Infertility, Crohn's disease, IBS, GERD and so much more.

In fact abdominal therapy can help 96 gynecological issues just by manipulating the organs and releasing them from tight tissue.

This brings blood flow to the organs and they can function better. There’s a little more to it, but I’d like to get to something I am really passionate about. Scar tissue! We don’t seem to talk about it, and the medical community doesn’t seem to pay much attention, but it’s so important to talk about!

One in three American women give birth via c-section.

That is a lot of scar tissue! The medical community rarely arm a woman with tools on how to care for themselves after having this extremely traumatic and invasive procedure. Managing scar tissue is extraordinarily important and when we neglect to do so, or more accurately don’t know how to do so, it can be a detriment to our health and wellbeing. Surgery is a significant trauma and is often brushed off like it is not a big deal at all. In fact, it is massive both physically, emotionally and spiritually. Scar tissue is formed when we have injuries, infections, radiation or surgery. It’s a delightful gift that our body can heal itself by making more tissue but the drawbacks must then be addressed.

Scar tissue is made of collagen, fibrous bands of tissue. When completely healed we must mechanically break it down. Sorry to sound like a downer, but the consequences of not breaking down scar tissue can be dire! If we do have to have abdominal surgery, there is a 95-100% chance we will form adhesions. Adhesions are fibrous bands of tissue that normally cause the most pain post abdominal surgery. This is where the tissue literally adheres to an organ or organs as it is trying to heal, causing lots of restriction in the organs which in turn restricts our blood flow causing all kinds of problems. These include organ health issues, postural dysfunction, restricted skin stretching, and lots of reproductive and digestive dysfunction.

Another issue that is quite common but often overlooked after a C-section, is uterine isthmocele or a uterine niche/cesarean scar defect, a small pouch in the front of the uterus that didn’t heal properly after surgery. This small pouch fills with fluid and blood. This “defect” can cause numerous issues which seem to show up quite late postpartum, three or more years. The fluid filled pouch causes pelvic pain, irregular bleeding and infertility. This is where women seem to get diagnosed with fibromyalgia, or with a digestive disorder, unexplained infertility and so on when really it’s scar tissue messing with us and we are simply uniformed. Recent studies have shown a 90% improvement post-surgery when scar tissue therapy is utilized. They have shown more mobility, little to no pain, and a much better functioning reproductive and digestive system.

Scar tissue affects all of our systems.

We seem to believe scar tissue will only affect where the injury is. For example, we can have a c-section but feel the pain in our back or shoulders. Often when I work on a scar in the lower quadrant clients can feel in the ribs and lungs, even feet! Scar tissue can affect anywhere in the body, urinary, circulatory, lymphatic, bones, hormones etc. More importantly it can truly affect our emotional well being. Scar tissue does not function like regular tissue and it sends pain signals to the brain faster and also trying to get used to the look of a scar.

Taking care of yourself, healing your body, giving your body special time to recover properly through massage and PT can be really helpful on the road to recovery. Telling the body that it has been through a very traumatic event (it is often blown off like no big deal by both us and our medical team) and we are going to do our best to heal because we are worth it, will put your body on the fast track to feeling better.

So! If you are scheduled for surgery, get a lymphatic drainage massage before and right after surgery. And when healed definitely get some scar tissue release and PT. Take care of yourself, and your scar tissue!

Krysia Schwab, a native of Ireland, has practiced massage therapy for over seventeen years and has worked with thousands of women. Krysia’s passion for helping women shines through work. She is dedicated to supporting, caring, grieving, holding space with each and every client. Krysia is well versed in many areas of body work, specializing in abdominal work, which she looks at as the engine of
our bodies. She loves to say “our organs are our engine and if the engine is not well oiled, cleaned and loved the rest of our bodies will not function to the optimal level”. Krysia uses many different modalities in each session depending on the clients needs of that day including Mayan Abdominal Therapy, Visceral Manipulation, Craino-Sacral and Lymphatic Drainage. Whilst the majority of her clients are women, Krysia also works with many infants by helping with digestive disorders and torticollis. She, also, helps with males who also have digestive disorders, muscle pain and post surgery massage therapy for scar tissue release.

To learn more about the services Krysia offers, here's how to reach her.

Contact Krysia:
[email protected]
(630) 649-2864
Instagram: kryssagewellness
Facebook: Kryssage Wellness


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