I put up a strong resistance to teaching my Puberty For Boys Workshop for years. I know that’s a strange way to start off a blog designed to be a “humble brag” about a program that people rave about, but I like to keep it real and I’m nothing if I’m not honest. It’s true. I am a Women’s Health Physical Therapist who prides myself for staying in her own lane.
When I wanted to branch off to teach Prenatal and Postnatal Pilates, that made...
I’ve heard hundreds of stories of people recounting their parents giving them “the talk.” Some involved hushed conversations in bedrooms after a child asked a question during family movie night. One that sticks out in my mind is the gentleman who vividly remembers his dad making a dirty martini and swirling it around and awkwardly sipping from it as he attempted to talk about sex. Many don’t recall the talk because it just never happened!
As a...
There are so many misconceptions when it comes to comprehensive sex education. And what people don’t understand, they fear. What they fear, they judge as evil. What they judge as evil, they attempt to control. And what they cannot control, they attack or argue against. It’s a vicious and unproductive cycle.
Let’s start with some facts.
In February of 2021, the Illinois General Assembly introduced a bill (0818) reforming sex...
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