
Prenatal Pilates: The Best Pregnancy Exercise

As a Women’s Health Physical Therapist and Movement Specialist, I have access to hundreds of exercise programs from Yoga to Cross Fit and Barre to Tabata.  When women ask me what the best form of exercise to participate in during pregnancy, my answer is the same every time. 

Prenatal Pilates, hands down. 

If you’re not already a believer, or if you’re not really sure what Pilates even is, or if you’ve stumbled upon this blog and are just looking for a...

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Trimester by Trimester: Your Instruction Manual For Exercise and Movement

When most women find out they are pregnant, they think twice about what they feed their body and baby, striving for high nutritional value.  Sometimes they crave nutrient-dense food; other times it’s mashed potatoes and ice cream.  Like everything in life, there’s room for both, and finding a good balance is best.  The same is true for movement. 

What is your appetite for movement? 

If you crave intense, heart-pumping cardio, you may need to build in...

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What Your Pregnant Pelvic Floor Needs

Teaser alert: It’s NOT just more Kegels!

I’m sorry you caught me hot under the collar because, while researching for this post, I got lost in a rabbit hole of well-intentioned blogs steering women in the opposite way. 

Lucky for me, I have a breadcrumb trail to find my way back that includes a Master of Science degree in physical therapy, 15+ years of treating pregnant women, and countless exercise specialist certifications. Oh, and I own a vagina that has birthed three...

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Exercising Safely in Pregnancy

The second you get the positive results, whether it’s a missed period, peeing on a stick, a urine test from your doctor’s office, or bloodwork, or an ultrasound….you become acutely aware that the decisions you make affect more than just you.  From what you eat and drink (to what you can no longer eat and drink) to how much sleep you get or how much weight you lift, you don’t want to do anything to hurt the baby.  And if you’ve ever experienced a...

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The 8 Best Pilates Exercises for Pregnant Women

The benefits of exercising during pregnancy are indisputable.  Back pain reduction, easing constipation, decreasing your risk of gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, and Cesarian delivery are only a few benefits.  But there’s also the promotion of healthy weight gain in pregnancy and help with losing the baby weight afterward. 

I always advise women to pick exercise programs that bring them happiness and joy instead of dreading the movement.  You have many choices...

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One Of My Favorite Stretches For Pregnant Moms!

I love the Pilates mermaid stretch!  It accomplishes so many things for my pregnant mamas, it feels so good, and it’s such a pretty move.  This is perfect for pregnant women who feel they are “running out of room” in their torso.  

It’s also a lovely exercise for pregnant women experiencing numbness and tingling in the upper extremities (once more serious nerve involvement has been ruled out).  While we most often think of these symptoms as relating...

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