
Exercising Safely in Pregnancy

The second you get the positive results, whether it’s a missed period, peeing on a stick, a urine test from your doctor’s office, or bloodwork, or an ultrasound….you become acutely aware that the decisions you make affect more than just you.  From what you eat and drink (to what you can no longer eat and drink) to how much sleep you get or how much weight you lift, you don’t want to do anything to hurt the baby.  And if you’ve ever experienced a...

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How To Birth Like a Pro During A Pandemic

Giving birth was anxiety-provoking enough for most women prior to 2020, but adding on a global pandemic is like tossing a brick out to women who are already treading water, barely able to keep their noses above the changing tides and crashing waves. 

While I’ve bobbed up and down with women throughout their pregnancy journeys for the last 15 years, I’ve actually only attended three births.  And they were my own!  So I thought I needed to bring in the “big...

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Four Steps to a Positive Birth Experience

birth planning pregnancy Nov 04, 2021

I have been working with pregnant women for over 15 years and have heard HUNDREDS of birth stories that are on a continuum from Empowering to Traumatic and everything in between.

As a result, I have harnessed the ability to glean all sorts of information from my intake forms that are strategically created to help me help women have the most positive experiences possible.  

And there is always one sentiment that makes me cringe.  Not in the condescending “How could...

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The Ring of Fire

“I fell into a burnin’ ring of fire
I went down, down, down
And the flames went higher
And it burns, burns, burns
The ring of fire, the ring of fire” —-Johnny Cash

Ah, the dreaded “ring of fire.”

Pregnant women shudder at the mere thought of the commonly described moment as the baby’s head is crowning.  Couldn’t we paint a more loving picture of the moment directly before a mother meets the child she has been growing in her belly for nine...

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DRA & Pregnancy: What You Need to Know

Diastasis Rectus Abdominus is an abnormal separation of the rectus abdominus (“6-pack”) muscles that occur from the excessive, repetitive force on the connective tissue of the abdominal wall.  

While this condition is not unique to the pregnant individual, pregnant women are more vulnerable to this condition due to their hormonal environment combined with the excessive forward pressure placed on the connective tissue from the growing uterus.  Some statistics report that...

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