
The Gift of Female Fitness Programs (and more!)

Everything I’ve accomplished in my career began as a desire to address a personal problem I was experiencing and was often fueled by the fact that there was a giant gap or inadequacy that needed to be filled.

Let me back way on up.  I was in 5th grade, sitting in the library watching my sister’s 4th grade class performance.  It was a rendition of We Didn’t Start the Fire by Billy Joel, and I’m guessing the teacher had designed her own creative lyrics, but I...

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From Puberty to Period Positivity: A Journey of Empowerment

When you’re a planner like I am and you’re ready to have a baby, you plan for it. So I went to a presentation at a nearby hospital where a panel of OBGYNs were offering conception advice. One of the tips was to buy some ovulation predictor strips to figure out when you were ovulating. I ordered some online and got to work testing, but for several months they never picked up that I was ovulating. I finally called my OBGYN’s office and spoke with the nurse to tell her my...

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12 Things Missing From Most School-Based Puberty Curriculums

menstruation Mar 15, 2021

Do you remember the school-based puberty talk you received in elementary school? 

I do. 

I can still see the cover of the pamphlet we received called “Julie’s Story.” I remember the girls and boys were separated, and when we came back together (I vividly remember we made our reunion in Art Class), all the girls had to strategically hide our bag of sample pads and tampons from the boys. 

And we’ve been hiding ever since. 

There’s not a...

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Period Product Musings

menstruation Dec 29, 2020

Even though I’ve been traveling down the period products aisle at grocery stores for the last, oh, 31 years, I still sometimes get turned around. 

Maybe this has happened to you before too. 

You meant to buy a regular pack of pads with wings, but when you open it up, you discover they’re actually 3 feet long and tickle your belly button or crawl up the small of your back when you stick them in your undies.  You look at that *unhelpful* outline on the package...

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