
The Gift of Female Fitness Programs (and more!)

Everything I’ve accomplished in my career began as a desire to address a personal problem I was experiencing and was often fueled by the fact that there was a giant gap or inadequacy that needed to be filled.

Let me back way on up.  I was in 5th grade, sitting in the library watching my sister’s 4th grade class performance.  It was a rendition of We Didn’t Start the Fire by Billy Joel, and I’m guessing the teacher had designed her own creative lyrics, but I...

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DRA and Pregnancy: What You Need to Know

Diastasis Rectus Abdominus is an abnormal separation of the rectus abdominus (“6-pack”) muscles that occur from the excessive, repetitive force on the connective tissue of the abdominal wall.  While this condition is not unique to the pregnant individual, pregnant women are more vulnerable to this condition due to their hormonal environment combined with the excessive forward pressure placed on the connective tissue from the growing uterus.  Some statistics report that...

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